0.2.0a - Release


  • New multiplayer game mode (Experimental)
    • For now only with one server located in EU
    • Both server and multiplayer game mode are not final this is only first test
  • New car
  • New track
  • Cars rebalanced
  • AI rebalanced
  • Car control fix
  • Select lap amount fix
  • Select car from garage fix
  • Menu loading resource fix
  • First part of performance modifications implemented

Next update will be small and only focused on fixing bugs from this and previous update. I will try to add something new but it will not be anything big.

This update will go out on Monday.

Update after that should  be in similar size to last 2 updates.

PS: I am trying to get better in game audio, but I can not find good enough sounds.

(Things that were already found by test players)

(Will be fixed in 0.2.1 that will be released asap)

 - still can trigger reverse when going forward
 - after 2 matches result screen will get stuck
 - wrong amount of cars on result screen
 - if more that max cars in rewards screen it will stop working
 - laps display laps of first car not player
 - Increase difficulty
 - race time + best word race time

Update video from  Viixun (Thank you)


cars.0.2.0_windows.zip 56 MB
Apr 19, 2019
cars.0.2.0_linux.zip 63 MB
Apr 19, 2019
Unlock Special Car Vicky 1.6 kB
Apr 18, 2019

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